Outta Sight!

               Welcome to the early December '97 issue of:
                     *O*U*T*T*A* *S*I*G*H*T*!*!*
                 The Voice of Talk City's The InSite
                  on chat.talkcity.com, #TheInSite
Volume I, Number 7                                   December 3, 1997
In this issue:
      *   New Additions to The InSite Website
      *   Conference updates
      *   Getting to know The InSite Website
      *   Bios - your hosts in #TheInSite
      *   Bits and pieces
                New Additions to The InSite Website

The Story

*Your opinion is important!* *Your opinion is important!*

Uh oh - Becca had to tell Chaz a bit of a lie. She really wanted to go
to the dance with him, but there's this cultural problem - her parents
insist that she sticks to the traditions of her culture.

Chaz is a bit confused about this - he can't seem to interpret the mixed
message he received from Becca, especially because he can see that she
is genuinely interested in him. Even wants him to read a book that she
is interested in. It's about girls growing up - called "Reviving Ophelia",
and Chaz likes the sound of the book...

Dee is a bit confused also - the death of her Grandmother has raised some
strange ideas in Dee's mind, mainly to do with the meaning of life - and
death. Miguel has been a great help. He told her about the Festival of
the Dead that they have in Mexico, where people celebrate the lives of
ancestors. Miguel has been a great help - and he asked her out!

Miguel is happy about Dee accepting the offer, but now he has a problem-
where to get some money and where to go.

Becca, Chaz, Dee and Miguel would really value your input. Read their
journals at:


and let them know what you think about the way their lives are going.


                        Conference Updates

  *Put these in your Diary!*             *Put these in your Diary!*

These are the conferences that you will find on #TheInSite this month

Monday (beginning December 1)

11.30am-1.30pm - EuroTeen Chat

3.00-4.00pm - The InSite. The Lily Pond

4.00-5.00pm - KatieCCC's Korner

5.00-6.00pmPT - Life Lite

6.00-7.00pm - About Face - Learning to Love Your Looks

7.00-8.00pm - The InSite. Date Rape - The Secret Crime


11.30am-1.30pm - EuroTeen

3.00-4.00pm - Teens and Tobacco with John Coxford

4.30-5.30pm - Drug and Alcohol InfoLine (Change of name)

6.00-7.00pm - Netiquette (day change from Friday)

7.00-8.00pm - Hey Terra!


11.30am-1.30pm - EuroTeen Chat

3.00-4.00pm - The InSite. "Making the Peace - Eliminating Racism"

4.00-5.00pm - The InSite. Healthy Relationships - Taking Action

5.00-6.00pm - The InSite. Spaceship Earth

6.00-7.00pm - The InSite. Men's Issues Conference (to be run during
December only on a trial basis; day and time will then
be changed.)

7.00-8.00pm - The InSite. Your Voice - Current Topics for Teens/Young


11.30-1.30am - EuroTeen Chat

3.30-4.30pm. The InSite. Some Body - A Definitive Owner's Manual for
Your Bod with Shafia Zaloom

4.30-5.30pm - Planned Parenthood

5.30-6.30pm - TechnoTeen

7.00-8.00pm - Dorm

8.30-9.30pm - Friends (How to Create and Maintain Friendships)


11.30am-1.30pm - EuroTeen Chat

3.00-4.00pm - You and the Crowd

4.30-5.30pm - The InSite. Viewpoint

5.30-6.30pm - The InSite. You and Your Parents (Discussion on various
topics involving teen/young adult - parent issues and


11.30am-1.30pm - EuroTeen Chat

5.00-6.00pm - SportsFest for Teens/Young Adults (sports discussion

6.00-7.00pm - Trivia!!

7.00-8.00pm - The InSite. Drop-In Center


2.00-4.00am - Music Chat

11.30am-1.30pm - EuroTeen Chat

5.00-6.00pm - The InSite - On-screen

6.00-7.00pm - Mirror, Mirror

7.00-8.00pm - Fashion and Beauty Conference (What's new, what's in,
what's out, etc.)

6.30-7.30pm - Game slot


Don't forget also - #TheInSite2 is open 24 hours a day for general chat
in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. The hosted hours in #TheInSite2 are
as follows

#TheInSite2 - Casual Chat December Schedule All Times are PT

2.00-4.00am, 9.00-10.00am, 11.00am-noon, 2.00-4.00pm,4.00-5.00pm,
5.00-6.00pm, 6.00-8.00pm

1.00-2.00pm, 2.00-3.00pm, 3.00-4.00pm, 6.00-7.00pm,

4.00-5.00am, 9.00-10.00am, 3.00-4.00pm, 5.00-6.00pm, 6.00-8.00pm,

2.00-4.00am, 9.00-10.00am, 2.00-3.00pm, 3.00-4.00pm,6.00-8.00pm,

5.00-6.00, 6.00-7.00pm, 7.00-8.00pm, 8.00-9.00pm

4.00-5.00pm, 5.00-6.00pm, 6.00-8.00pm , 8.00-9.00pm, 9.00-10.00pm

9.00-10.00am, 4.00-5.00pm, 6.00-8.00pm, 9.00-10.00pm

                  Getting to Know The InSite Website

If this weren't the only planet we had, it wouldn't matter...

but it is...and it does.

We know polluting factories do more damage to the environment than kids
tossing soda cans out car windows. But Hey! We're not talking to factory
owners, we're talking to you! There are plenty of ways you can help the
Earth, 'cause that's what it really comes down to. And one person can make
a difference.

Check out TheInSite's great environmental site Spaceship Earth at:


                        Biographies - Your Hosts

Hi, there! My name is Chezza, and I am Forum Manager for The InSite.

Four years ago, I got my very first modem. It was love at first beep!
My on-line career began on the dearly departed eWorld, where I worked as
Forum Co-Coordinator for the Transformations forum and hosted in
GirlsOnline. I also worked for Apple Computer on a commercial on-line
service, answering questions and hosting chats for educators.

The very first day that Talk City started, I was there to participate in
this wonderful venture. I became LyriCCC and then helped to launch The
InSite chat program in June of 1997. It's my great pleasure to be
associated with the incredible TEAM that hosts in our forum.

Our forum is here to serve *you,* our participants. We welcome your
comments, questions, and suggestions. Write to me at this address:
                           Bits And Pieces

Think you're a bit of a whiz at the quiz? Quick thinking and fast on
your typing fingers when it comes to the right answer? Then have we got
the game for you! Our Trivia game at 6PM PT Saturday in #TheInSite is
the place. Match wits against Talk City's quickest minds, and see if you
can be the weekly champion. It's fast, it's fun - Trivia!!! at #TheInSite.

That's it for this edition. Do your friends a favor - tell them about
The InSite and #TheInSite.

                           "Outta Sight!"

will be posted on 12/17/97, and an archive copy of "Outta Sight!"
will soon be available from The InSite home page:
or   http://www.theinsite.org/


Keep coming back :)


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